We want to and need to do more!

As of Monday 25th January, we have committed to delivering 100 lunches per day and weekly/fortnightly food and essential parcels to young people and families across the North West. 
We would like to send out a massive thank you to some of the fantastic businesses so far who have recently committed to helping us to tackle food & fuel poverty in Bolton. It’s no surprise that poverty is rapidly on the increase and Child Poverty has increased tenfold, something which we have seen first-hand at the Club. We can’t do this without support from amazing businesses, great organisations and brilliant people!


Our new service includes: 

“Grab Bag” lunch sessions 12pm – 2pm, Monday to Friday, for young people by invite only that are out of school and due to their vulnerability we need to “see” and have the ability to chat to and ensure they receive a meal.

Weekly food/toiletries/cleaning products/clothes parcel delivery service for families that are experiencing food/general poverty, having staff out every day dropping off at doorsteps.




Acoustic Consultants & Air Quality Consultants – Miller Goodall Environmental Consultancy