On Track.
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+ Help to be your best +

Welcome to On Track! Help and support to empower young people for a bright future.


On Track is BLGCs one-to-one employability support for young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), or those who are at risk of being NEET.

Through working with a skilled Employability Coach, young people will be supported to identify what barriers they face to entering the world of work and will then develop an action plan that will help them to find ways to overcome these barriers and to achieve their goals.

+ FAQ's +

There will be opportunities to:

  • Receive support to develop a CV, practice job search skills, and to take part in interview preparation workshops,
  • Visit businesses from a wide range of sectors,
  • Visit education and training providers,
  • Develop knowledge and skills through sector-specific training courses,
  • Receive coaching to develop greater confidence, self-belief and motivation to work.
  • Aged 16-24
  • Bolton resident
  • In need of a targeted approach to finding education, employment or training
  • · Wants to engage with the support.

If you are interested in joining On Track you can download a referral form here. If you would line to know more details please contact us for an informal chat on 01204 540100 or email enquiries@blgc.co.uk

Interview Advice

Workplace Visits

Help with CV writing

Get in touch

If you know of or are working with a young person who would benefit from On Track, download and complete the referral form below and one of our team will get in touch with you.